Making Sex Safer
Let’s discuss safer sex strategies. Then we’ll run through the items you might need for your own safer sex stash.
“Safer sex” means different things to different people. Broadly speaking, in this guide, safer sex means minimizing the potential of getting or transmitting STIs, while maximizing our pleasure!
Sometimes we don’t have safer sex
In real life, we don’t always have sex that meets our personal definitions of “safer sex.”
This can be for many reasons. For example:
- We’re emotionally unprepared (e.g., we’re feeling vulnerable or, on the other hand, invulnerable).
- We’re under the influence (e.g., drunk or high).
- We lack the information to make properly informed decisions (e.g., about safely fucking after bottom surgery).
- We choose to settle for the sex we think we can get, rather than insisting on the sex we want.
- We want to have sex in certain ways, but don’t know how to communicate this clearly to our partners or even ourselves.
- We may want to have sex without barriers, or fluid-bond with someone.
If you have regrets about any such times, it’s okay to forgive yourself for your past choices. All of us are on an ongoing journey of learning to care for ourselves.

Safer Sex Strategies
Stocking Your Safer Sex Stash
PrEP and PEP