Sex Work
Some of us work as sex workers, full-time or part-time. Some of us also buy sex work.
There’s a myth that there’s no market for sex workers who are trans men, transmasculine, and/or non-binary, but this is false. However, for some of us, presenting as masculine while doing sex work may be challenging because there are fewer resources for us to get support. Some of us may also present as cis women when working, but this doesn’t make us any less trans.

Tips for those of us who are sex workers
- Make safety preparations in advance. For example, doing client background checks, creating safety plans, getting safer sex items (see “Stocking Your Safer Sex Stash”).
- Know your rights. You can get sex work legal resources from your local sex worker organization (e.g. Maggie’s Toronto, Butterfly, etc.).
- Connect with like-minded folks. This includes sex worker organizations and networks (see the Resources page for a list), and friends/peers who do sex work.
- Remember that you have the right to decline clients.
- Learn basic self-defense.
- For venue-based and online safety tips (e.g., bars, sex clubs, etc.), check out Finding Sex.
- Consider working with a friend. You could also inform friends when and where you’ll be working and arrange for them to check in with you at a certain time.
- Consider alternative ways to sell sexual services, like webcamming, dancing, pro-domming, or massaging.
- Get vaccinated for mpox. You or your clients may be in sexual networks affected by mpox. Learn more about the virus and how to get vaccinated for it here.